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Athlete of the Year🙏🤘

There is no greater feeling than having a community behind you and your 🇨🇦💪. Received the Athlete of the year award for the North Okanagan 🤘💯❤️🙏. Thank you Vernon and area for your support and to my family for #pushinlimits to get me where I am today. Thank you to every person who was there and believed in me❤️🤘. #wedidit💪 #mysponsors SKIN Kamloops IBEW Hager Orthopaedic Clinics Ltd. Soul Studio POC Black Widow Custom Paint Limitless Communications Ltd SilverStar Mountain Resort The cup and I are going on some adventures over the next year. From morning lattes in the cup, to superstitious SBX pre race chats, to sitting on the hockey bench as the alternate, to riding shotgun across Canada #mytrophy🏆#1year #Vernon #britishcolumbia #northokangan #athleteoftheyear #thankyouforthelove #pushinlimits @vernonmorningstar @timhortons @funtasticsports @vernontourism @ Vernon, British Columbia 

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